VBS River Rafting Adventure

Join us Tuesday June 11th through Friday June 14th from 6:30-8 p.m. for an amazing Vacation Bible School.

Register for VBS River HERE

Note: We have a limited number of spots if we have excess of 50 students signed up we will put you on a waiting list.


Join us on a river rafting adventure! As we travel down the river and through the book of Acts, we will experience God’s love alongside the earliest Christians. At the first stop, God fills the believers with his love at Pentecost, and they go out to discover people from around the world who are ready to hear the good news. Next, Paul has an exciting conversion experience and is completely transformed by his encounter with Jesus. Soon Paul and Silas are unjustly thrown in jail, and God not only sets them free but also uses the opportunity to bring others to himself. And finally, a vision and a Gentile turn Peter’s world upside down, helping him realize God’s love is for everyone. Every stop on the adventure will draw us closer to God and his love.
            During each session, children will travel down the river with Bobby (a scientist) and Sammy (a river guide). Bobby and Sammy plan to visit people who live along the river. These people work hard, but their crops are not growing. The people’s fields, tables, and stomachs are empty. Happily, a creator has made a miracle seed that grows 100 times faster than regular seeds, and the fruit is 100 times more nutritious and tastier than regular fruit. Bobby and Sammy will share the miracle seeds at every stop on their journey.
            Through the symbolism of the miracle seed, children will learn about prevenient grace: God draws people near before they even know they need him. They will learn about saving grace: God invites everyone into his family. They will learn about sanctifying grace: God transforms us and invites us to share his love with others.

             To introduce children to God’s love and help them identify and embrace God through prevenient grace, saving grace, and sanctifying grace.

What is VBS?

VBS is designed to reach children and invite them and their families into a relationship with Jesus. VBS is a tool for the local church to draw others into their church fellowship for the purpose of making disciples in all nations and helping them grow into disciple makers.


• To reach children and their families in your community with the good news of Jesus
• To connect with children and their families in meaningful, practical, and helpful ways;
• To help children grow spiritually through learning scriptures and biblical principles;
• To provide opportunities to model Christlike service.

Target Age:

The recommended ages are 5 to 12 years old or kindergarten to sixth grade.

Small Group Activity Rotations: 

Campfire Stories: Children will learn the Bible story through an object lesson.

Picnic Point: Children will enjoy themed snacks as they discuss the Bible story and learn the day’s memory verse with motions and an activity.

Roaring Rapids: Children will play an interactive game to reinforce the day’s lesson.

Campsite Crafts: Children will create a craft to help them remember the day’s lesson.